Articles on: Site editing

Adding a logo

Logotype is a text or graphic representation of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc. Adding a logo to the header or footer helps you create an authentic design for your website and become more recognizable among others. In this article, you can find detailed instructions on adding text or an image as a logo for your site.

You can also watch our short video tutorial about logo settings:

Adding a text as a logo

To add a logo to your header or footer, hover over the empty box and click on the "plus", then choose the element Logo in the pop-up window:

Important: you can add only one logo to your header or footer.

To edit the logo, select the text in the placeholder and change its appearance in the pop-up menu:

There you can change its alignment, line height, size, color, etc.

You can also adjust the size of the logo using the handles on the sides. To do this, hover over the empty space between the elements in the block and drag the handle:

Note: bear in mind that the logo size can be limited by the block height and the neighboring columns. If you resized the logo to the maximum and the size is still the same, try deleting the columns on the sides to give the logo more space.

Click on the "gear" at the end of the menu to access the Logo settings:

In the Content tab you can change the text's font and weight or add the slogan below the logo — a short phrase that describes your company:

Tip: check the article Uploading your own font for more information on how you can set up your custom font for the logo.

In the Behaviour tab you can set up the click action for your logo. For more information, visit the article Adding links to elements (click action).

Adding an image as a logo

Firstly, select the text in the placeholder and click on the "gear" in the pop-up menu:

Switch to the Image section in the Content tab and upload or browse the gallery to apply the image as your new logo:

Tip: check the article Adding alt-text to the images to learn the benefits of adding an image description.

Click on the logo in the header or footer to change its display by zooming the image in and out:

Don't forget to publish your site for the changes to appear live.

For our further assistance, you can always contact our support team via the live chat or by emailing to

Updated on: 04/13/2023

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