Articles on: Online store

Changing product availability in the online store

Once you've created and published a product in the catalog of your store, it will be available for purchasing in your site. See how you can change the availability of the products in their settings.

Important: the online store is available for Pro sites only.

Changing product availability in the online store

To edit the existing product, click on the three dots near it and select Edit:

In the General tab change the availability of your product:

Here's a list of possible product availability statuses:

In stock — product is in stock and is available for ordering on the site. The product is also displayed in the sitemap. This is the default status for new products in your store.

Out of stock — product is out of stock and isn't available for ordering on the site. Published out of stock products are displayed at the end of the products list, regardless of sorting. They also aren't displayed in the sitemap.

Preorder — the product is out of stock and will not be available until you order it explicitly. This status is mainly used for unpopular or limited products with irregular deliveries. Products with this status are available for ordering on the site and are displayed in the sitemap.

Coming soon — the product is temporarily out of stock and will be available soon. This status is mainly used for popular products that are bought faster than they are brought to the seller. We recommend using this status when you want to inform the visitor that the product will be available anyway, just without instant delivery, so that the customer won't go to the competitor's site. "Coming soon" products are displayed in the sitemap.

Save the changes:

Renaming the availability status of the products

You can add the new names for the availability statuses so they fully correspond to the possible product statuses you may have in your store. Besides, these names can be translated to any language.

Open the Settings of your store and navigate to the Data display tab:

Enter the new names for the availability statuses in the fields below:

Note: these settings will be applied to all the products in the store.

Updated on: 04/11/2023

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