Articles on: Online store

Changing the language of the online store

In this guide, you will learn how to translate all the system text parts in your online store. You can manually set the text you need in a single section in the site settings, where collected the majority of all phrases displayed on your online store. To open the language settings of the online store, open the Site Settings list in the editor or general site settings and go to the Multilingual site section:

Important: the online store can only be in one language when adding the multilingual functionality within the same website.

The following steps show the fields for translating different sections of the online store and how some of the translated phrases look on the published site.

In this section, you will learn how to change the text in the following sections of your online store:

Shopping card
Category page
Product page
Search results
Store homepage
Sign “Store homepage”

Shopping card

To translate the Shopping card, go to Pages and Pop-ups, go to the Store tab, click three dots to the right of the Shopping card. Click Rename:

Replace Shopping card with your own inscription:

To translate words and phrases in a cart, you should change the following fields (the screenshot shows most of the fields):

On a live site, this setting changes the words in the cart, for example, the following:

To translate the buttons, go to Pages and Pop-ups, the Store tab, click on Shopping Cart. In the window that opens, choose the button you want to translate, click on the "gear":

In the Button settings, replace Order with your own inscription:

Tip: if you want to change or add fields to the cart, use the Shopping cart settings article.

Category page

You can translate each category page in these fields:

... that will change words on category pages:

To translate the buttons, go to Pages and Pop-ups, the Store tab, click on the Category Page. Open the Category products settings, go to the Action tab, replace Buy with your own inscription:

Product page

Product page translation:

... and some of the translated words on the product page:

To translate the buttons, go to Pages and Pop-ups, the Store tab, click on the Product page. Open the Product details settings, go to the Action tab, replace Add to card with your own inscription:

Tip: to change the currency and stock status of the product, refer to the article Your Store settings.

Search results

The search results page can be translated into these fields:

... that will also be displayed on the published site:

Tip: You can learn more about the search function in the online store in this article.

Store homepage

Store homepage tittles and messages

Changing the text on the home page of the online store:

Sign "Store homepage"

To translate the Store homepage on the category page, go to the Site Settings - Your Store - Categories. Click on the Store homepage:

Go to the SEO tab and scroll to the bottom of the page:

In the H1 Tag for the category page line, paste your own inscription:

This is how it looks on the published site:

Tip: you can learn more about editing the site's home page in this article.


There you can translate the storefront block that is added to the site pages to display products. You can specify text to display if no products are added:

An example of a published site:

Tip: you can learn more about displaying products from an online store on your site in the Adding a store block article.

Publish your site for the changes to take effect.

Updated on: 04/11/2023

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