Articles on: Billing

Checking the status of your Pro subscription

Pro subscription allows you to connect the domain, add custom code, and remove all Devellp mentions. Whether it's a monthly or annual subscription, it can be active, canceled, or non-renewing.

The guides below will explain how to check the status of the Pro plan on a particular website.

Open the Settings of your site and navigate to the Subscription tab:

Check the status of your subscription in the corresponding field:


After the initial payment for a subscription has been processed, it gets the *Active status:

This status means that the site is currently on a Pro subscription, and it will be renewed automatically after the expiration date (provided that the payment card is linked to your account).

Tip: if you want to change the payment details used for your Pro subscription, check the article Changing the payment method used for a Pro subscription.


In general, we automatically renew your subscription to ensure that the site is always available and doesn't lose its Pro features. The status Non-renewing will be displayed if the subscription was manually canceled before its expiration date:

If you cancel your Pro subscription, it will remain in your account until the expiration date. When it expires, your site will lose all Pro features, and the site will return to the free status.

Tip: you can enable the automatic payment for your subscription according to the steps in the article Turning on the auto-renewal for your Pro subscription.

Active Free

The status Active Free will be displayed if you turned off the auto-renewal of your subscription and it reached the expiration date:

When a subscription is canceled, the site is still active, but it goes free, and you will no longer have access to the Pro features.

Tip: you can still renew your subscription after it has been canceled by following the steps in the article Renewing your Pro subscription.

Besides that, in the Subscription tab you can find the following information:

The name of the current subscription of your site;
The summary of the features you acquired with the subscription;
The payment method used for the subscription;
Last payment date;
Expiration and renewing date — next billing date for the subscription.

Updated on: 04/07/2023

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