Articles on: Domains & Mailboxes

Connecting multiple domains to your website

Devellp Pro plan provides you with the ability to add a domain to your website. In fact, you can add more than one domain.

This way, your website will be shown under the primary domain. Other connected domains, which will be marked as Secondary, will redirect to your primary domain.

To proceed, first you need to successfully connect all the needed domains to your site. The article Connecting a domain you own will guide you through — the connection process is the same both for the primary and secondary domains.

Tip: if you want to purchase the domain directly from Devellp, check the article Purchasing a domain.

By default, the domains will be put in the order they were connected. The first domain you added will become a Primary one, and all others — Secondary. Secondary domains can be recognized by the Redirect mark:

When connection status of your domains is Connected, you will have an option to switch primary and secondary domains. For that, click on the three dots near the secondary domain and select Set as primary:

Important: when adding the site to the Google Search console, make sure to work with the primary domains.

Updated on: 04/04/2023

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