Articles on: Site editing

Global social links

You can set up global links to the social networks in the site settings. This way, when you add social icons to the blocks, the links are applied automatically. Besides, you can add custom links for the particular block on your site.

Follow the instructions below to add global social links and customize the style of social icons.

Adding global social links

Open the Settings of your site, then Integrations and navigate to the Social links tab. The last step is clicking the add global social link option.

Choose the required social network in the pop-up menu:

Note: you can also add a custom icon for the social network. For that, click on the "plus" sign and upload the icon in the new window:

Go back to the Social links tab and add the relevant links to your profiles:

Open the site's editor and add a block with the social icons in it:

Tip: you can add social icons to the existing block as well. Check the article Adding elements for more information.

You will see that these icons will correspond to the ones you set in the site settings.

To set a custom link for the particular block, toggle on the option Set custom links, click Add custom link and choose the needed icons:

Changing the style of social icons

Click on the social icons in the block to access their settings:

Navigate to the Style tab and choose the needed shape, size and colors for the icons:

Note: there is no possibility to edit each icon separately.

You can also use brand color for the icons:

Publish the site for the changes to appear live.

For our further assistance, you can always contact our support team via the live chat or by emailing to

Updated on: 04/15/2023

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