Articles on: SEO

Hiding a page from search engines

All Pro sites created on Devellp are set to be indexed by the search engines. However, in case you have a particular page that is not ready yet or there is copy-pasted content which you don’t want to show to the web crawlers and customers, you can manually hide this page from search engines.

Tip: to check whether your site was indexed by the search engines, see the article Site indexing.

For that, open the site's editor and navigate to the pages menu in the toolbar:

Open the settings of the page by clicking on the "gear", proceed to the SEO tab and toggle on Block search indexing (noindex):

Hit Done and publish your site for the changes to take an effect.

Important: the changes may not be reflected in the search engines immediately. It may take up to 3-14 days for them to crawl the site and add it to their index. To speed up the process, add the site to the Google Search Console and request indexing.

In case you want to block the whole website from indexing by search engines and appearing in the search results, check this article Hiding website from search engines.

Updated on: 04/20/2023

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