Parallax effect settings
The parallax effect makes the background image of the blocks move at a slower rate than the foreground. This creates an illusion of depth to the page, giving the content a 3D effect as viewers scroll down.
See the block with the contact form on the live demo of our Skydiving Website Template to preview how you can use the parallax effect on your future site.
If you want to surprise your site visitors with an eye-catcher, follow the instructions below.
Important: parallax effect can be added only to the background images.
To add a parallax effect to the image background, hover over the needed block and click on the "gear" to access its settings:
Navigate to the Background settings and choose the Image option. If you haven't done this yet, Upload an image to the background of your block:
Tip: for further information about adding a background to your site, see the article Adding site's background.
After adding the image, scroll down the window and toggle on the option of Scroll effects, then choose Parallax:
Publish your website for the changes appear live.
See the block with the contact form on the live demo of our Skydiving Website Template to preview how you can use the parallax effect on your future site.
If you want to surprise your site visitors with an eye-catcher, follow the instructions below.
Important: parallax effect can be added only to the background images.
To add a parallax effect to the image background, hover over the needed block and click on the "gear" to access its settings:
Navigate to the Background settings and choose the Image option. If you haven't done this yet, Upload an image to the background of your block:
Tip: for further information about adding a background to your site, see the article Adding site's background.
After adding the image, scroll down the window and toggle on the option of Scroll effects, then choose Parallax:
Publish your website for the changes appear live.
Updated on: 03/17/2023
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