Articles on: Domains & Mailboxes

Transferring a domain to another Devellp account

If you need to change the ownership of your domain (either from you to another person, or vice versa), or just to transfer it from your personal to reseller account, follow the instructions below.

Note: if you want to transfer a domain from one site to another within your account, disconnect it according to the instructions in the article Domain settings.

Firstly, you should delete a domain from your account. For that, open the Settings of your site and navigate to the Domains tab:

Click on the three dots near the needed domain and choose the Delete option from the dropdown:

This way, the domain will be removed from your account completely.

Then, log in to another account where you'd like to transfer a domain, access the site's Settings and open the Domains tab:

Click Use the external domain and enter your domain name:

In the opened window click Done and publish your site. The domain should be connected after the verification provided that the records have been already set up.

Important: bear in mind that you can connect a domain only to Pro sites.

Updated on: 04/20/2023

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